Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Defending children and animals in 21st century.

In every developed country, there are very strict measures to protect children against child abuse. The societies in these countries also take this matter very seriously. But unfortunately there's one developed country that has managed to sidestep these rules and a noticeable part of its society seems to be fine with protecting organizations with some suspected and convicted child molesters: it's Erdogan’s Turkey, no surprise.

This has been happening in Turkey, where in last month, the leaked police and doctor reports revealed more than 50 children were molested or raped by various senior officers working for the pro-government Ensar Foundation.
Erdogan at Ensar Foundation gala dinner

Ensar Foundation earned tax-free status in 2012 and has been receiving major funding from the government as well as continuous endorsement from Erdogan family.

Ensar Foundation president Ismail Dilberoglu
The foundation’s president Ismail Dilberoglu is an AKP provincial assembly member and close friends with President Erdogan’s son Bilal who recently claimed that the person that he spent most of his time after his wife was Ensar Foundation president Ismail Dilberoglu.

The Ensar Foundation teacher who was arrested for raping 45 Male students, posing with children and other Ensar officials and the provincial minister of Education

The first incident that came into public spotlight was, when a teacher working for Ensar Foundation in Karaman who was claimed to rape at least 45 male students, was arrested. Ten of the students, aged between 9 and 10, got doctor reports from the hospital to proving rape.

After the doctor report was first leaked, the Foundation denied any wrongdoing and declared the predator was in fact "just a temporary employee" with no connection to the Foundation. Furthermore, Turkey’s mainstream media, which is entirely ran by government appointed officers, circulated news that the incident was a conspiracy by the foreign powers and the zionists and that predator was in fact a "Gulen movement spy" who infiltrated into the Ensar Foundation to damage AKP's reputation.

AKP's Minister of Family, Sema Ramazanoglu
However the reports proving the predator has been in fact involved with the ruling AKP party and the pro-government Ensar foundation for over a decade were soon revealed prompting the AKP administration’s Minister for Family Ramazonglu to defend the Foundation by infamously telling the public “..Some media outlets talk as if rape is a bad thing. It’s no big deal, it happened only once..Ensar foundation is pure..” at a press conference. At a later press conference Ramazoglu said "We will punish those children who claim to be raped". Yes - you heard right! Whether both sentences were Freudian slips or not, the minister actually said these.

Despite AKP administration's efforts of covering the incident, a large social media campaign supported by celebrities and activists and resulting in the globally trending hashtag #StopChildRapeInTurkey, to spread awareness. As the public interest grew, reports of more child abuse and rape from other Ensar Foundation offices around the country became public knowledge. The AKP administration put a blanket ban on media coverage of the ongoing investigation since March 14 and thus hid many facts involved in the case.

AKP MP's celebrating the rescue of the Minister Ramazanoglu

Furthermore AKP's Minister of Family Ramazanoglu who has been the main figure in advocating the Ensar Foundation defeated the opposition parties impeachment vote thanks to the silent support of ultra-nationalist MHP party. AKP's MPs celebrated the rescue of Family Minister, who, despite her title, had spent most of her time defending child molesters - not children.
AKP vice president Selcuk Ozdag wants leniency for animal molesters

Another news of interest was AKP vice president's defense of the animal molesters at a parliamentary meeting in which a law act on Animal rights were discussed. Selcuk Ozdag, vice president of AKP, and member of the Parliament representing Manisa, asked for leniency for individuals who were convicted of raping animals. Yes – leniency for animal molesters! When, a new animal rights law proposal, including a jail sentence starting from 6 months and a ban on owning animals for 4 years for animal molesters were presented to the Parliament, AKP’s Ozdag strongly objected declaring it was too harsh for animal molesters.

It was expected that Turkish people, due to their predominantly Muslim moral values, would regard family and children with utmost importance. However in this matter AKP’s supporters keep quiet and AKP supporters on social media, following AKP administration's rhetoric, still defend the predators blaming everything on the “foreign powers and zionists” and label the incident as another conspiracy by the “Gulen movement’.

These incidents are a perfect encapsulation of the insane and callous manner in which the AKP administration treated allegations of any wrong doing against their leader, ministers, members and government for last five years. It is also another display of how AKP's sectarian politics divided Turkish society to the point in which ordinary people who share the same air, water and genetics with you and me can defend bribery, corruption, terrorism, public-lynching, sexism, child rape and animal molesters for their political affiliation.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mart ayi dert ayi

Mart ayi cok yogun gecti. Bu ay icinde:

1- Zaman medya grubuna el konularak Turkiye bir gecede Kuzey Kore'ye donduruldu (5 Mart).
2- AKP ve Fasist'in sponsorlarindan Reza Zerrab'in patronu Babek Zencani idam cezasi aldi.(6 Mart)
3- Zerrab malvarligini satiliga cikardi.(10 Mart)
4- Bilal Erdogan, Suudi Displomatik pasaportu ile Italya'dan kacti (12 Mart)
4- Devletin butun emniyet ve istihbarat merkezlerinin burnun dibinde Ankara ve Istanbul bombalandi.(13 Mart)
5- Pedofili ve Tecavuz suclularini koruyup kollayan AKP ve Ensar vakfi, Hukumetin hakkaniyetten uzak tutumu sayesinde dunya gundemine girmeyi basardi.(21 Mart)
6- Erdogan'in "ayni bombalar Bruksel'de patlar" (18 Mart) demesinden 4 gun sonra Bruksel'de bombalar patladi.(22 Mart)
7- Reza Zerrab, 5 yillik takibin ardindan ABD'de tutuklandi.(22 Mart)
Rusya'yle girdigimiz ucak krizini hatirlayin. Rusya, saldirinin akabinde Fasit ile ISID'in organize ettigi petrol ticaretinin video kayitlarini servis etmisti.

Vurulan Rus ucaginin, Rusyanin 1980lerdeki Afganistan isgalinde kullandigi Mig29'lardan bile eski, operasyonel kapasitesi olmayan bir ucak olmasi, ucagin aslinda Rus yemi oldugu, bu bahane ile mevcut yonetime aslinda "ISID ile kacak petrol isine girip benim Petrol ticaretimden calma" mesaji verme maksatli oldugu belirginlesmisti.

Yine en sonki Ankara bombali saldirisindan sonra Putin'in Turk halkina yolladigi gayet ozenle hazirlanmis taziye mesaji da, Rusya'nin sorunun Turkiye'yle degil,"concerned parties", yani Fasist ve ailesiyle oldugunu gosteriyor.

Ismi her turlu yolsuzluk dosyasina bulasmis Zerrab'in hangi akilla ABD'ye gittigini iyi sorgulamak lazim. Turk sosyetesinin ugrak yeri Miami'de yakalanmasi anlasilir. Buyuk ihtimalle ABD istihbarati Zerrab'i tuzaga dusurdu. Yakalanmayla ilgili en onemli nokta ise FBI sozcusunun “The charges announced today should send a message to those who try to hide who are their true business partners.”. Mesajin adresi direk Fasist.

Bilal Erdogan'in Italya'dan kacmasi bir diger onemli mevzu. Rus Istihbarati GRU kaynaklarina gore  Rusya Guvenlik Konseyi Bilal Erdogan icin "oldurun" emrini vermis. Hatta bunun icin Rus istihbarat servisi GRU, Italyan istihbarati ile iliskiye gecmis. Bunun uzerine Bilal Suudi pasaportuyla kacmis. Su anda nerede oldugu ise bilinmiyor. Bu gelisme yasandigi tarihte Bilal Erdogan'in tanker ve silep satin aldigi Malta adasi/ulkesi medyasinda bu tanker/sileplerin ISID petrolunun satisi icin kullanildigi haberleri cikmasi da enteresan. Bununla beraber Bilal'in olu bulunan ABD'li ve Ingiliz bayan gazetecilere tecavuz ettigi haberleri de cesitli haber sitelerine servis edilmis.

Rusya'nin Suriye'den cekilmesi de yukaridaki 7 maddeyle birlikte dusunuldugunde ortaya soyle bir-iki sonuc cikiyor;

I - Rusya ve ABD anlasti, birlikte Erdogan ve avanelerini tasfiye edecekler.
Ii - Bununla birlikte, ISID eylemleri ve Avrupa'daki bombalamalar azalacak.
III - Erdogan ve avanelerinin ezilmesi aynen Saddam veya Kaddafi’nin tasfiye edilmesinde surecte oldugu gibi olacak. Mesela Erdogan’in ISID, Boka Haram ve diger Islamci teror orgutlerine destek veren bir diktator oldugu vurgulanacak, bu tasfiye terorizme karsi buyuk bir zafer olarak sunulacak. Hatta ABD makamlarinin Reza Zerrab iddianamesine koyduklari Reza’nin Hamaney’den aldigi referans mektubunda “Ekonomik Cihad icin bunu yapiyoruz” ifadesi de Erdogan’a yamanir. Ensar vakfi cocuk tecavuzu gibi konulari da bu kavramda degerlendirebiliriz, bati AKP ve Erdogan tayfasinin tecavuzculeri himaye etmesini, Kaddafi’nin sarayinda bulunan cinsi sapiklik videolarini kullandigi gibi bangir bangir hem de hakli olarak kullanir. Uzerine B.Erdogan’in hakkindaki tecavuz iddaalari ve buyuk ogul Burak Erdogan’in yabanci sevgilisini olum ile tehdit etmesi de tuz biber olur. Eh Ingiltere’nin elinde Fasist’in otel odasindaki goruntuleri de kullanilirsa “Kadin dusmani, Organ kacakcisi, Cocuk tecavuzcusu, ISID, El Kaide ve Boko Haram destekcisi” sifatli Fasist’in ortadan kalkmasi cok sukseli bir basari olur.

Boylelikle bir baska piyon diktator, bir baska Nasir bozuntusu, bir baska cakma Yavuz, cakma halife ile Bati, dogu akdeniz, ege ve ortadogudaki sinirlari ve nufus dengesini istedigi gibi degistirmis oluyor.

Boylelikle kuresel manada bireysel ozgurlukler, gocmenlik yasalari ve de Turkiye'deki yeni yonetim (Davutoglu) de bir nevi mesruiyet kazanmis olacak.

Allah sonumuzu hayirli etsin.